Following advice...

As Serge said in the email he sent 'Be persistant'.

Even though it isn't a reeeeally long time since I sent the emails, I was hoping for more I sent them again lol.

I got a reply pretty much straight away from Nick Deakin, so it was worth it!

Funnily enough, Nick started the email with 'I'm really busy so I will be brief.' but it was one of the longest replied I got.

- He said my Kleenex type as image stuff looked 'really tasty'...

- 'Keep churning out work, keep at it, whether it be sketches on a napkin, self initated projects, painting, plasticine models, anything, and get it online' - This is one of favourite pieces of advice, I love seeing peoples sketchbooks...sometimes more than seeing th finished piece so it encouraged to start putting mine online.

- 'Shout about it, post links etc on design forums, email editors.'

- 'I really do feel there is no need to spend much if any money promoting yourself these days'

- 'You could make a project out of a mailer, make a poster or something that folds out, something interesting to receive, it doesn't have to look like you have spent a lot of money on it!'

- 'Keep making things, so when somebody drops by your site you have loads of stuff going on, and your work will be developing all the time.'

- 'Keep it fresh!!!'...will do!

...and when I replied to thank him, he sent one back straight away so that was nice!

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