Company reply...

Iron Fist...a company that I really would like to produce work for...replied.

Its exciting...wait for it...

'Hi Charlotte, This is not my department so I have forwarded your information on, have a good day.'

Haha, better than nothing hey! One step closer I suppose.

Agency reply

I wasn't really expecting a good reply...or a reply at all from the agencies because some of them offer portfolio workshops that you pay for etc. so they would probably just prefer me to do that.

But! Heart Agency...who have offices in London and New York (Yes please!) did reply!

They didn't exactly say anything specific, but they suggested a book for me to get. (Funnily enough written by the director of the agency but I still trust it!)

They suggested I get it through their site, so full price plus a bit more weirdly...But I found it on Amazon for about a tenner.

Hopefully its good!

Following advice...

As Serge said in the email he sent 'Be persistant'.

Even though it isn't a reeeeally long time since I sent the emails, I was hoping for more I sent them again lol.

I got a reply pretty much straight away from Nick Deakin, so it was worth it!

Funnily enough, Nick started the email with 'I'm really busy so I will be brief.' but it was one of the longest replied I got.

- He said my Kleenex type as image stuff looked 'really tasty'...

- 'Keep churning out work, keep at it, whether it be sketches on a napkin, self initated projects, painting, plasticine models, anything, and get it online' - This is one of favourite pieces of advice, I love seeing peoples sketchbooks...sometimes more than seeing th finished piece so it encouraged to start putting mine online.

- 'Shout about it, post links etc on design forums, email editors.'

- 'I really do feel there is no need to spend much if any money promoting yourself these days'

- 'You could make a project out of a mailer, make a poster or something that folds out, something interesting to receive, it doesn't have to look like you have spent a lot of money on it!'

- 'Keep making things, so when somebody drops by your site you have loads of stuff going on, and your work will be developing all the time.'

- 'Keep it fresh!!!'...will do!

...and when I replied to thank him, he sent one back straight away so that was nice!

More Replies...

Nicolas Tual (Dekore) and Serge Seidlitz (another person I mentioned in my PPD and enterprise presentations!) have replied :D

Nicolas came across as really friendly!

- Firstly he thanked me for saying I liked his work...Flattery goes a long way!

- Secondly he asked if I had a website...which just confirms what I knew, that a website is important. So I will email him again when I do have one...

- As I asked about portfolio advice, he explained that lots of clients want different may want a 5 slide pdf, one may want a 50 piece hard portfolio so its hard to say one specific thing about how it should be.

- 'I always personalize my pdf for each client/agency, that make them think
that I made this portfolio just for them and that I did not blind-sended a hundred pdfs to random art-directors.'

- 'When it comes to face-to-face interviews, I always make sure I have both a digital portfolio and a hard portfolioto present...And I bring along a few goodies with me such as mini-books, stickers, posters or whatever.'

Hopefully I will talk to him again in the future once I have a website I am 'happy' with.

Serge was equally nice...but busy, so he just gave a few words which was just as good :)

- 'I would say at your stage it is important to go get commercial experience.'

- 'Be persistent, and hassle them, remind them that you're available!'

- He ended it with 'good luck, Serge.' which is always nice to hear!

First Reply...

Excitingly, Keaton Henson was the first to reply to my email!

I spoke about Keaton in my PPD and enterprise I was excited he replied! But then I had to open it, so I still had the fear that he would be like 'Don't bother bla bla bla'.

I should have more confidence and not be so negative because he didn't say that. Why would he waste time replying just to say that? lol.

To sum up his reply, he said;

- 'Your work looks really great, love the typeface stuff! '

- He personally believes art at college/uni to be counter-productive. Its his opinion so I accept it.

- 'Its important to develop a personal style and have your work out there in the world before you begin to sell yourself commercially'

- 'Never underestimate the power of the internet, and email people as you have me'

- He ended it with 'Hope that wasn't totally unhelpful'...but right now, I believe anything is helpful! :)

Try and try again...

Yes, I still have to wear the splint but I miss drawing.

The drawing below is really quite simple...but I like it.
I did it with my right hand but I had to hold the pen in a stupid, uncomfortable way but I got a drawing out of it and realised I can draw with it on so all is good.

I vectorised it...and I actually prefer the wobbly lined hand drawn one but oh well!

Now to play the waiting game...

I have sent out all my to play the waiting game!

I have that gut feeling I will be ignored but hopefully not lol.

Lyrics and Type

I've never been one to look out for exhibitions...and for the first time I regretted it! I found this exhibitin while researching at the end of the second year. It finished a week before I found annoying.

But, you can look at all the prints online so I still go to see it :)

I love all the work and its a combination of my favourite things...illustration, type and music. If only I could make a living from that!

I think I'm gonna base one of my negotiated briefs on this...

I love dust.
Keaton Henson.
Steph says hello.
Drew Millward.

Get over it.

I some over my anger/annoyance about my arm and figure I still need to do something!

So I've done my .pdf to send out I can't do much else, made a nice geeky spreadsheet of the people I will send it to and their email addresses.

As I mentioned before, I'm not only going to email designers/illustrators, I'm also going to email companies that I would like to work with/produce work like in the future and ask them about the briefs that they set...and I'm also going to email some illustrators agents and see what sort of things they specifically look for in peoples work.

One particular person that I hope will get back in contact is Steph Baxter...she graduated our course 2 year ago and I really liked her work. I recently found her again because she was in the Lyrics and Type exhibition in London (I will do another post about that...) but she is really going in the direction that I would love to follow, so fingers crossed.